

"mir ,trud, ad"
Year:  2013
Country:  Russia
City:  Saint Petersburg
Label:  Stoned Steel
Format:  CD
Tracks:  17
Time:   33 min.
Lyrical themes:  social issues, politics
Genre:  rock
Style:         Grindcore

A new full-length album from Russia and debut of "Stoned Steel Records". Seventeen teethgrinding tracks  grindcore flavored with doom metal elements and "mince" lyrics. Two crackpot vocals, Russian lyrics - WARNING! It may damage your consciousness!
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Year:  1982
Country:  Canada
Label:  Vancouver
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  13
Time:  38 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Jazz Punk

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Year: 1989
Label:  Alternative Tentacles
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  13
Time:  40 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:         Jazz Punk

an often bizarre jazz punk band from Vancouver, Canada, Nomeansno formed around brothers Rob (bass, guitar, vocals) and John Wright (vocals, drums, keyboards). Andy Kerr joined up in the early '80s on guitar and vocals, and upon his departure in the early '90s, the band recruited guitarist Tom Holliston as his replacement. The group's punk hybrid also encompasses touches of jazz, funk, punk rock and hardcore, with special emphasis laid on jarring, hard-to-follow rhythms. Their lyrics are often self-consciously weird, but Nomeansno are frequently original and challenging. With countless releases over the years (tenth full-length All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt appeared in 2006), the band has issued music through labels like Alternative Tentacles, AntAcidAudio, Southern, and their own, Wrong Records. The Wright brothers also spent time playing with their side band the Hanson Brothers, basically a ridiculous Ramones tribute band they did with some buddies. ~ Steve Huey
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"why do they call me mr. happy?"
Year:  1993
Label:  Alternative Tentacles
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  10
Time:  58 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Jazz Punk

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"my game"
Year:  2002
Label:  Alternative Tentacles
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  15
Time:  36 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:         Punk Pop

The Hanson Brothers were a Canadian punk rock band active from 1984 to 2016. The group included John and Rob Wright and Tom Holliston, all members of the punk rock band Nomeansno. The Hanson Brothers' band name references characters in the cult ice hockey film Slap Shot. From 1984 to 1989, the Wright brothers (John on drums and Rob on bass guitar) and original NoMeansNo guitarist Andy Kerr performed Ramones cover sets sporadically under the name The Hanson Brothers. The Hanson Brothers later began to write "their own Ramones songs" i.e., original songs in the fast, melodic style of the Ramones. At this time John Wright played drums and the three members shared lead vocal duties. Examples of songs from this era are "Ya Little Creep" and "Bad," two Kerr-era NoMeansNo songs with songwriting credited to the Hanson Brothers; the former appears on the 1991 compilation Clam Chowder and Ice Vs. Big Macs and Bombers, and the latter on The Sky Is Falling and I Want My Mommy, a collaborative LP with Jello Biafra.

The Wrights began working with guitarist Tom Holliston as the Hanson Brothers in 1989. The earliest sessions from this time still featured John Wright on drums; however, Ken Jensen of D.O.A. soon joined as the drummer and John Wright devoted himself to the lead vocals. After releasing a debut 7-inch, the band recorded their first album, Gross Misconduct, in 1992. The album featured art spoofing the cover of the Ramones' Road to Ruin.

Jensen died in a house fire in 1995. Ken Kempster (member of, among many other groups, the Showbusiness Giants) became the group's next drummer, referred to as "Kenny Jr" Hanson. This lineup released the group's second record, Sudden Death, through a subsidiary of Virgin Records. The cover spoofed D.O.A.'s "The Prisoner" single cover.

In 2000, the songs "Rink Rat", "Third Man In", "Stick Boy", and "Danielle", were featured in the NHL Rock The Rink game for the Sony PlayStation. Also in 2000, John Wright, in his Johnny Hanson character, recorded an instructional video regarding homebrewing beer. Wright also compiled and released two compilations of hockey-themed songs called Puck Rock Volumes I and II.

Kempster left the group in 2001, and Ernie Hawkins joined for touring behind the group's third record, My Game. The cover parodied Black Flag's My War. In April 2006, the band went on a tour of Canada. Hawkins appears on the group's 2008 live album It's a Living, whose cover parodies the Ramones' It's Alive. Mike Branum, from The Freak Accident, debuted as the group's drummer for their 2008 tour. Byron Slack replaced Branum in 2014.
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"eras of forfeit"
Year:  2018
Country:  Australia
City:  Perth
Label:   Life.Lair.Regret
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  15
Time:  30 min.
Lyrical themes:  social issues, politics
Genre:  rock
Style:        Death Metal

death metal band influenced by DIY punk ethics, social conscious and politics. they started in 2013 in Perth, Australia and this is their debut full lenght album, issued throught label "Life.Lair.Regret Records" on CD and LP format. Their style is quite similar to death metal bands from early 90's decade such as: Death, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse,Grave, etc. maybe not the best death metal band ever... but they make good noise with intelligent lyrics.
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"are you dead yet?"
Year:  2005
Country:  Finland
City:  Espoo
Label:  Spinefarm
Format:  CD
Tracks:  9
Time:  50 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Thrash Metal

Metal band from Espoo, Finland. Formed in 1993 as "IneartheD" by Alexi Laiho and Jaska Raatikainen. Different sources tend to categorize them stylistically in different ways, but according to the lead singer and guitarist Alexi Laiho "it's just metal and that's it." In 1997, the band, still name "IneartheD", signed up with a small Belgian label to release their first album "Something Wild". But before its release, the band was contacted by Spinefarm Records. Since they were already signed to another label, they had to fake a split-up and change the name to be able to release the album through Spinefarm. They chose Children of Bodom as the new name, inspired by the unsolved Lake Bodom murders, which took place in Finland in 1960 (teenagers camping next to the Lake Bodom were slaughtered by a maniac).
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"altars of madness"
Year:  1989
Country:  US
City:  Tampa, FL
Label:  Earache
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  9
Time:  39 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Death Metal

Think of Possessed's Seven Churches. Multiply the intensity of everything that made Seven Churches heavy in 1985 by 100. Then you've got this album. Intense fucking riffs, mindless solos, growling vocals, and amazing drumming that shoves your fucking head into a fucking blender. The best part about this album is the fucking drumming! Pete Sandoval is a fucking beast on this album, with his blast beats and time changes, like in the song "Chapel of Ghouls" which has at least 10 tempo changes throughout the legendary song. He kicked more ass than Mike Sus. Hell, he even beats Dave fucking Lombardo in terms of complexity and speed. He can play at all tempos, from the complete fucking blast fest of "Bleed for the Devil" to the slow doom metal outro to "Evil Spells". Not even Kreator could play that fast during the recording of Pleasure to Kill in 1986. It is equally matched with Azagthoth's and Brunelle's brutal riffs. Trey Azagthoth's solos during "Evil Spells" sound like the blood curdling screams of the victim of a serial killer who's about to slit his throat. The riffs are inspired by black metal, in songs like "Immortal Rites". David Vincent also created the first true death growl. Both Jeff Becerra and Chuck Schuldiner sound tame compared to this, and Slayer's Hell Awaits is an afterthought. This, along with Seven Churches, is a highlight reel of the death metal genre. The harmonizing leads from "Visions from the Dark Side" sound so fucking evil, I think it is the best moment in all of death metal! "Immortal Rites" has some brutal fucking drumming, and kickass riffs, and the demonic growls of David Fucking Vincent! "Suffocation" has some fucking hellish blast beat drumming, and some brutal riffage and a chaotic solo. The ending is fucking chaotic as hell, with the brutal drumming smashing the ears of you. "Chapel of Ghouls" is the best song on the album. It has crushing riffs, a dark atmosphere, and insane fucking drumming that fucking beats you to death. Every song on the album is fucking crazy and excellent. I recommend this album to anyone who wants to be death metal. You won't ever be death metal until you listen to this album (review  ExodusAttack666 )
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"formulas fatal of the flesh"
Year:  1998
Label:  Earache
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  13
Time:  52 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Death Metal

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"gateways to annihilation"
Year:  2000
Label:  Earche
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  11
Time:  45 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Death Metal

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"kingdoms disdained"
Year:  2017
Label:  Silver lining
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  11
Time:  50 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Death Metal

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 "Where do you draw the line"
Year:  2015
Country:  US
City:  Oakland
Label:   none
Format:  CD
Tracks:  41
Time:  40 min.
Lyrical themes:  social issues, politics
Genre:  rock
Style:        Grindcore

Grindcore band from Oakland, CA (USA) started by three young musicians in 2013. At date the group has recorded eight ep's avaible totally free in its bandcamp, archive, etc. Its musical style is very similar to Agathocles, which is very short, simple, direct and with lyrical themes such as: social issues, politics, animal liberation, anti-war, etc.
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"the feeding of 5.000"
Year:  1978
Label:  Crass
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  18
Time:  32 min.
Genre:  rock

CRASS were an English anarcho-punk band, formed in 1977 and based around Dial House, an open house community near Epping, Essex, UK. In contrast to the Sex Pistols "nihilism" or The Clash "socialism", CRASS attitude was more directly influenced by anarchist philosophy and pacifism. In the process they promoted anarchism as a legitimate political ideology, way of living, and as a resistance movement , popularizing the seminal peace punk movement and touching on such overtly political issues as anti-consumerism, direct action, feminism, pacifism, anti-corporatism, environmentalism, anti-globalization, anti-racism, religious power, and squatting. Taking literally the punk manifesto of “Do It Yourself”, Crass combined the use of sound collage, graphics, song, film, and subversion to launch a sustained and innovative critical broadside against all that they saw as a culture built on foundations of war, violence, sexism, prejudice, capitalism, religious hypocrisy and unthinking consumerism. They were also critical of what they perceived as the flaws of the punk movement itself, as well as wider youth culture in general. CRASS were amongst the progenitors of the anarcho-pacifism that became common in the punk music scene.
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"stations of crass"
Year:  1979
Label:  Crass
Format:  CD , 2 x LP
Tracks:  20
Time:  40 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:      Punk

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"Penis envy"
Year:  1980
Label:  Crass
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  10
Time:  35 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Punk

"Penis Envy", released in 1980, was the second LP by anarcho-pacifist punk band CRASS. Named as a reference to some of Freud's ideas concerning sexuality, this release marked something of a departure from the somewhat 'macho', 'hardcore punk' image that The Feeding of the 5000 and its follow up Stations of the Crass had to some extent given the group, for it featured more obviously complex musical arrangements, as well as exclusively female vocals provided by Eve Libertine and Joy De Vivre (although Steve Ignorant remained a group member and is credited on the record sleeve as not on this recording). The album addressed feminist issues and once again attacked the institutions of 'the system' such as marriage and sexual repression. One track, not actually listed on the album cover, was a deliberately sacharine (described in fact by the band themselves as pure, unadulterated shit) parody of a "MOR" love song entitled "Our Wedding". This was given away as a flexi disc with a teenage girl's romance magazine called Loving after having been offered it by an organisation calling itself Creative Recording And Sound Services (note the initials). A minor tabloid furore erupted once the hoax was revealed, with the News of the World going so far as to state that the album's title was "too obscene to print" (a leaflet giving the background to this Situationist-style prank was subsequently issued by the band). Now considered a rarity, the original flexi-disc now fetches high prices on the collectors market. The album was banned by retailers HMV. During the mid-1980s, under the direction of James Anderton copies were seized, along with other records by Crass and The Dead Kennedys, by Greater Manchester Police from Eastern Bloc record shop. Frank Schofield was charged with displaying "Obscene Articles For Publication For Gain". The band Flux of Pink Indians, its two record labels and its publishing company were also charged under the Obscene Publications Act. The judge ruled against Crass in the ensuing court case, although this decision was overturned by the Court of Appeal, apart from the lyrics to one song, Bata Motel. The heavy costs incurred by this episode were a contributing factor in CRASS deciding to disband late 1984.
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"Christ, the album"
Year:  1982
Label:  Crass
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  15
Time:  32 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Punk

Christ – The Album is CRASS third album, released in 1982. It was released as a boxed set double vinyl LP package, including one disk of new studio material and another, entitled Well Forked.. but not dead, featuring a live recording of their June 1981 gig at the 100 Club in London along with other studio tracks, demos and tape fragments. The album also included a book, A Series Of Shock Slogans and Mindless Token Tantrums (which featured Penny Rimbaud's essay The Last of the Hippies [1], telling the story of the suspicious death of his friend Wally Hope) and a large size poster painted by Gee Vaucher. The album took almost a year to record, produce and mix, during which time the Falklands War had taken place. This caused Crass to fundamentally question their approach to making records, for as a group whose very reason for existing was to comment upon political issues, they felt they had been overtaken and made to appear redundant by real world events. Subsequent releases, including the singles "How does it Feel to Be the Mother of A Thousand Dead" and "Sheep Farming in the Falklands" and the album Yes Sir, I Will saw the band strip their sound 'back to basics' and were issued as 'tactical responses' to political situations. Re-releases of the album bear the line "With love to Steve Herman who died on the 4th of February 1989" on the back cover. Steve Herman was Crass' guitar player during their first few months. The 'Crassical Collection' version of this release, including new artwork by Gee Vaucher, remastered sound, liner notes by Steve Ignorant and Penny Rimbaud, and bonus material, was released May 2011. It does not contain the original album cover or any of the material from the 'Series Of Shock Slogans' booklet.
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"Yes sir, I will"
Year:  1984
Label:  Crass
Format:  CD , LP
Tracks:  10
Time:  36 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Punk

Yes Sir, I Will, released by CRASS in 1984 was the band's last 'official' album. The original vinyl release contained no banding between songs, thus presenting the contents as one long piece split over both sides (the CD release was tracked by individual song). The album was essentially a bitter and virulent attack on then prime minister Margaret Thatcher and her government in the aftermath of the Falklands War, set nearly wholly over a raging and an almost free-form improvised backing provided by the groups' instrumentalists. Many of the 'lyrics' of this piece, which can be read at [1], are extracted from Rimbaud's extended poem Rocky Eyed. Sleeve notes for the album include parts of Rimbaud's article The Pig's Head Controversy [2] that originally appeared in the Crass produced magazine International Anthem. The title of the record is ironic, taken from a news cutting reporting a conversation said to have taken place between Charles, Prince of Wales and a badly burned soldier (Simon Weston) who had returned from the Falklands; "Get well soon," the Prince said. And the heroic soldier replied "Yes sir, I will". Penny Rimbaud, commenting on this, has said "That was the hook. That was such an audacious thing to do at the time. Especially given that one had to feel compassion for Simon Weston". A film made by Crass member Gee Vaucher to accompany Yes Sir, I Will was shown at the UK National Film Theatre's Stuff the Jubilee festival of punk films in 2002, and the track has been recently remixed by Penny Rimbaud to incorporate additional jazz instrumentation provided by Ingrid Laubrock (saxophone) and Julien Seigal (double bass) to augment the original performance. The 'Crassical Collection' version of this release, including new artwork by Gee Vaucher, remastered sound and liner notes by Steve Ignorant and Penny Rimbaud, was released on May 17th, 2011. The reissue also contains a second disc (entitled 'Why Don't You Fuck Off?'), which features Penny Rimbaud's 2002 remix of the album, featuring jazz instrumentalists Ingrid Laubrock and Julien Seigal.
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"Tribute to CRASS"
Year:  1993
Label:  Ruptured Ambitions
Format:  2 x LP
Bands:  23
Tracks:  23
Time:  60 min.
Genre:  rock , electronic
Style:      Folk , Rock , Industrial , Punk , Pop , Art Rock , Techno , Doom Metal , Experimental

I have the luck to find this double LP early 90s in a small old shop in London city and more I listen to it... more I like it. This is not the typical tribute which bands try to make to songs as a clones but completly the opposite. Here we can to listen to bands from doom metal to techno to folk to reggae or punk, of course. All of them (43 bands) made classic CRASS songs but in its own style. The result is more than satisfactory and very original. On vinyl format there was an old fashion fanzine with lyrics and info about the bands (bio, contact, pics, etc.) but I had never see the CD format.
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"Tribute to Crass"
Year:  2007
Country:  US
Label:  Rough Trade
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  12
Time:  36 min.
Genre:  acoustic
Style:        Folk Punk

Lewis was born in New York City and grew up on the Lower East Side. He attended State University of New York at Purchase, New York, graduating in 1997 with a degree in Literature. His Senior Literary Thesis was on the comic book Watchmen. Lewis also lectured on the topic of Watchmen at the Institute For Cultural Studies at the University of Leuven, Belgium, in 2000, and the text of his lecture ("The Dual Nature of Apocalypse in Watchmen") was published in the book The Graphic Novel, edited by Jan Baetens, in 2001.
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"yes Sir, the truth of Revolution"
Year:  2016
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  12
Time:  40 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Jazz

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Year:  2017
Label:  Cold Spring
Format:  CD
Tracks:  8
Time:  40 min.
Genre:  electronic
Style:        Experimental

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"mir, trud, ad"
Year:  2013
Country:  Russia
City:  Saint Petersburg
Label:  Stoned Steel
Format:  CD
Tracks:  17
Time:  33 min.
Lyrical themes:  social issues, politics
Genre:  rock
Style:        Grindcore

i still wonder with this russian band and its excellent sound and high technical level. grindcore rich in different influences such as: hardcore, punk, thrash metal, doom metal, etc. this is its second work and after they recorded an split. highly recommended
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Year:  2002
Country:  UK
City:  Cardiff, Wales
Label:  Go kart
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  13
Time:  34 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Punk

Previously named Mock Death and Nuclear Filth, Icons Of Filth was formed 1979 in Cardiff, UK. Despite the band's extensive touring and recording schedule, they drifted apart in 1985. They remained on hiatus many years until 2001, which yielded a new album nostradamnedus" and a return to touring, though this was cut short when unfortunately, vocalist Stig suffered a heart attack and passed away shortly after a gig in London on October 23rd 2004. Following two benefit performances for Stig's children, Icons Of Filth was disbanded until 2019, where Icons Of Filth reformed. Despite all these years this album is actually a continuation of usual Icons of Filth style: dirty, unkempt, with a low technical level and quite poor sound production. Their typical dirty sound of early 80s decade with intelligent and highly political lyrics related to: anarchism, ecologism, internationalism, anti-war, etc.
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"onward christian soldiers"
Year:  1984
Label:  Mortarhate
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  16
Time:   30 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Punk

The band started in 1979 as the majority of british punk bands and disbanded in 1985. They firstly recoreded two EP's until 1984 when they recorded this full lenght album entitled "Onward Christian Soldiers" through label "Mortarhate Records". Neither fast punk hardcore nor classic 77 punk rock, but a balance between both andlyrically inspired by anarchist and pacifist bands such as: CRASS, Subhumans, Conflict, Dirt, etc.
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"the punch line"
Year:  1981
Label:  SST
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  19
Time:  15 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Punk Jazz

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"what makes a man start fires"
Year:  1982
Country:  US
Label:  SST
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  19
Time:  30 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Punk Jazz

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"Double nickels on the dime"
Year:  1984
Country:  US
City:  San Pedro, CA
Label:  SST Records
Format:  CD , 2 x LP
Tracks:  43
Time:  40 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Punk Jazz

if What Makes a Man Start Fires? was a remarkable step forward from the Minutemen's promising debut album, The Punch Line, then Double Nickels on the Dime was a quantum leap into greatness, a sprawling 44-song set that was as impressive as it was ambitious. While punk rock was obviously the starting point for the Minutemen's musical journey (which they celebrated on the funny and moving "History Lesson Part II"), by this point the group seemed up for almost anything -- D. Boon's guitar work suggested the adventurous melodic sense of jazz tempered with the bite and concision of punk rock, while Mike Watt's full-bodied bass was the perfect foil for Boon's leads and drummer George Hurley possessed a snap and swing that would be the envy of nearly any band. In the course of Double Nickels on the Dime's four sides, the band tackles leftist punk ("Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing"), Spanish guitar workouts ("Cohesion"), neo-Nortena polka ("Corona"), blues-based laments ("Jesus and Tequila"), avant-garde exercises ("Mr. Robot's Holy Orders"), and even a stripped-to-the-frame Van Halen cover ("Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love"). From start to finish, the Minutemen play and sing with an estimable intelligence and unshakable conviction, and the album is full of striking moments that cohere into a truly remarkable whole; all three members write with smarts, good humor, and an eye for the adventurous, and they hit pay dirt with startling frequency. And if Ethan James' production is a bit Spartan, it's also efficient, cleaner than their work with Spot, and captures the performances with clarity (and without intruding upon the band's ideas). Simply put, Double Nickels on the Dime was the finest album of the Minutemen's career, and one of the very best American rock albums of the 1980s. (*REVIEW by Mark Deming).
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"scent of the buried"
Year:  2017
Country:  Sweden
City:  Avesta
Label:  Goatgrind
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  10
Time:  40 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Death Metal

death metal band from Avesta, Sweden, formerly known as Beyond (1988-1990), since then Interment. The band has recorded until nowadays three albums and some EP's, all of them in the style called as "death'n'roll", so, a mix of death metal with other elements as hard rock, garage rock or punk rock in the vein of Entombed and other bands, besides from Sweden. Interment has make live concerts next to Metal bands as well as grindcore, hardcore and punk bands such as: Extreme Noise Terror, Doom, Blockheads, Infest, etc. This "scent of the buried" is specially recommended for those lovers of nor complicated neither complex death metal, but rather to quite simple, basic and direct music with touches of classic rock'n'roll and punk rock.
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"soul of the martyr"
Year:  1998
Country:  US
City:  Oakland, CA
Label:  Relapse
Format:  CD
Tracks:  35
Time:  30 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Grindcore

The Oakland, CA based grindcore outfit BENÜMB emerged during the mid-1990s with a flurry of releases, the majority of them split singles and EPs recorded in conjunction with acts including: Apartment 213, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Supression and Short Hate Temper. Upon signing to the Relapse label, BENÜMB issued the Gear in the Machine EP in 1997; the full-length Soul of the Martyr followed a year later. Withering Stands of Hope came in 2000. The last release at date was an split next to hardcore band Premonitions Of War (*Review by Jason Ankeny).
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Year:  1996
Country:  US
City:  New York
Label:  Warner
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  12
Time:  38 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Metalcore

Long Island, NY's Vision of Disorder built a large local following with its intense, socially aware blend of hardcore and thrash metal, leading to a contract with the Roadrunner Records-distributed Supersoul label. Guitarists Matt Baumbach and Mike Kennedy formed the band in 1992 with vocalist/lyricist Tim Williams, drummer Brendon Cohen, and bassist Mike Fleischmann. Fleischmann quickly left the band, which performed without a bass player and achieved a measure of local success due to their energetic live shows, at which point Fleischmann returned. Their first break came in 1995, when they had a track featured on the New York's Hardest compilation and released a 7" entitled Still. Their self-titled debut was released in 1996; Imprint followed two years later, and in 1999 the group resurfaced with For Bleeders. In 2002 they disbanded but reunited in 2012 until nowadays, active, touring and recording new songs.
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"razed to the ground"
Year:  2015
Label:  Candlelight
Format:  CD, LP
Tracks:  10
Time:  38 min.
Genre:  rock
Style:        Metalcore

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