Year: 2003
Label: MortarHate
Format: CD, LP
Tracks: 10
Time: 30 min.
Genre: rock
Style: Prog Punk
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Year: 1993
Label: Mortarhate
Format: CD, LP
Tracks: 9
Time: 45 min.
Genre: rock
Style: Prog Punk
CONFLICT started in 1980 led by vocalist Colin Jerwood, who would remain one of the group's few constants throughout its fluid existence. Much more permanent was the group's political agenda, which was already firmly ensconced by the release of their 1983 debut "It's time to see who's who"; songs took on topics like Vietnam, nuclear arms, and vegetarianism. The animal liberation movement, which would remain one of Conflict's central concerns throughout their career, returned to the fore on the next year's Increase the Pressure, with its cover art's focus on the Save the Seals fight. The next albums until 1993 sounded more or less similar but identical, simple and direct fast punk or hardcore punk with political lyrics. But in 1993 CONFLICT turned 180 degrees in its musical orientation and recorded this album entitled "Conclusion" which is some kind of progressive punk (?) or the result to mix prog rock, reggae, post-punk and small experimental touches. Strange fact, this is most unknown and forgotten CONFLICT album and paradoxy probably the best but the best. High quality sound, musicians with high technical level, keyboards, violins, guitars and more instrument to get this fourty five minutes album. A hidden gemm which has been re-issued several times, the last one in 2017.

Year: 1989
Label: Mortarhate
Format: CD , LP
Tracks: 6
Time: 33 m
Genre: rock
Style: Prog Punk
A succesfull attempt at an epic-sounding album, which came out around the same time as The Final Conflict, "against all odds" is very progressive, symphonic and close to heavy metal, and not at all moving and fast like their earlier records. This A-side, which is made up of just one song, the title cut, is almost a complete musiccal experiment. It's repetitive and goes to field recordings to ambient to experimental sounds. The B-side is better and easier, so closer post-punk or just punk. A worthy tune for example is "Slaughter of Innocence," which is their zillionth or so song about animal rights, but a good one, "A message to who," a weird number which seems to be stating that love and friendship are essential to fighting the State and the closing "a state of mind," CONFLICT's first electronic dance number, which isn't half bad, but sounds very '80s. The best thing about this album is the gatefold album cover on the vinyl copy, which is covered with entertaining articles about CONFLICT from the mainstream press, some of them from tabloid papers, attacking the band. Good and problably underrated album.
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"the ungovernable force"
Year: 1986
Label: Mortarhate
Format: CD, LP
Tracks: 14
Time: 34 min.
Genre: rock
Style: Punk
Year: 1982
Label: Corpus Christi
Tracks: 15
Time: 30 min.
Genre: rock
Style: Punk
Year: 2001
Country: various
Label: Black Fish
Format: CD
Bands: 28
Tracks: 28
Time: 60 min.
Genre: rock
Style: Punk
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